A Rough Guide to the Rotary Club of Northallerton

Atmosphere: The essence of the Club is informality, fellowship and collective enjoyment. It is
underpinned by a structure led by a president who is appointed for a year each July.
Attendance: Individual members are encouraged to attend at least 50% of rotary meetings (visits to
other Rotary club included). If you are unable to attend please let the secretary, on the meal choice
google form, know by the Wednesday before. You can also indicate intended absence on the signing
in sheet which is circulated at each meeting.
Auditors: The Club accounts are audited annually. (audited by an external qualified person) – Contact
John Hart.
Bulletins: Bulletins are issued quarterly to give diary information, (printed and on our website).
Bulletin Editor: – Contact David Lock.
Business Meetings: One meeting per month is designated as a business meeting (no guest speaker).
This is held on the Friday after a council meeting.
Club Council: The Club is run by the Club Council, appointed at the Club AGM, consisting of:
President, Immediate Past President, President-Elect, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and other
elected members with specific roles. This is held on the 2 nd Wednesday of the month. (Anyone who
wishes to attend is welcome).
Charity: The Club is a registered charity No. 257684. All fund raising and donations are deposited in
this account. (This account is set up to claim Gift Aid)
Charter Night Dinner: The Club holds a formal black tie dinner annually in November to celebrate its
Clothing: From time to time it is possible to order items of clothing with an embroidered gold club
roundel. (T-shirts, polo shirts, sweat shirts etc.).

Club Service and Fellowship Committee: This committee looks after the welfare and smooth
running of the club. – Chair David Ison
Committees: The Club’s activities are organised by several committees: Club Service and Fellowship,
Community Service, International and Foundation, Youth Opportunities. These meet as necessary.
All members serve on one committee.
Community Service Committee: This committee organises fund raising and community service
initiatives. It also maintains contact with the Rotary charity “Foundation” if grants are applied for. –
Chairs Lyn Proud and Jan Davison
Commission: The Club can receive commission from purchases from retailers via the following
websites: thegivingmachine.co.uk , and also from direct holiday bookings by members with “Riviera
Travel”. (Treasurer Lyn Proud).
Diary Dates: An information folder is passed around at every Friday meeting of various activities that
may be of interest within this, or other clubs. A Club diary is printed as the bulletin and maintained
on the website.
Data Protection: – Contact the Club Secretary.
District: Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland is divided up into areas known as Districts. Northallerton
Rotary Club is in District 1040 covering Yorkshire and Lincolnshire.
Donations: Any member may propose a donation from the Club to any organisation through their
committee to the council.
Dress Code: Smart casual at weekly meetings.
Duties: Visitors’ Hosts Duties: Put out regalia and PA system by 12 noon. Greet visitors, ask them to
sign Visitors’ Book, take them to pay for lunch (prospective members or speakers paid by the
treasurer, visiting Rotarians pay for their own) then through to meet the President, and stay with
them. Give Visitors’ Book to the President by 12.30. At end pack up regalia and PA system, give key
back to hotel desk.
Duties: Speaker’s Host Duties: Contact Speaker in advance to ascertain requirements. Greet
Speaker and assist in setting up equipment. For a Charity Speaker obtain a donation cheque in
advance from the Treasurer. Give the Vote of Thanks, present the cheque if applicable, then help
dismantle the equipment.
Meetings: The Club meets at 12 for 12.30pm on Fridays (with occasional exceptions) at The Golden
Lion Hotel, High Street, Northallerton. Meetings aim to finish by 2pm. Visiting Rotarians and
prospective members are always welcome. If possible please contact the secretary in advance.
Meeting Format: Weekly Friday meetings consist of a single course lunch and coffee followed by a
very brief giving of information then a talk by a guest speaker. Members pay at the bar for their own
lunch on arrival (currently £13.50). Grace is normally said for the meal and toasts to Rotary and the
King to finish (keep your glass of water topped up for this!). The meeting is very relaxed with
minimal formalities.
Members: An updated list of members and their contacts is given to all members. – Contact Les
Crelling -secretary 
Mentor: The person who first sponsors a member will normally be the key person to familiarise or
guide a new member of the Club.
Minutes: All committees produce their own minutes which are verbally reported at Club business
meetings. The Council has full minutes, copies of which are included in the blue information folder
which is circulated each meeting.
Motto: Rotary motto, “Service Above Self”
New member’s guide: A new member welcome guide to Rotary Great Britain and Ireland together
with information about Northallerton Rotary Club is given to all new members.

Open Forum: One meeting per year is classed as an open forum for members to raise and discuss
any club related issues.
PHF: Paul Harris was the founder of Rotary in Chicago in 1905. The Paul Harris Fellowship is a
recognition which acknowledges individuals who contribute through service to rotary or
contributions to The Rotary Foundation.
Photographs: Club Photographer – Contact David Lock
Photograph Competition: The club runs a members photographic completion annually. The
categories for 2023 are “Transport” and “Shapes and/or Textures”.
President: Emma Biggs (2023-2024). The presidency rotates annually in July. (Nominations at a
special general meeting).
President’s Funding: Club President has an allowance of £6 per member from subscriptions for all
purposes (travel and other relevant expenses including top table wine at charter evening).
Protection Officer: The Club has a designated protection officer. They ensure vulnerable people or
guests at a club event are appropriately cared for. – Contact David Paramore.
Publicity and Press Officer: – Contact Phil Roser
RIBI: meaning Rotary In Great Britain and Ireland
Rotary: Rotary is the world’s biggest service community, trying to make a difference to the world we
live in.
Rotary Foundation: The Rotary Foundation is a charity supported solely by contributions from the
public, rotary members and friends of the Foundation. Those contributions, gifts and donations are
transformed into service projects that change the lives of thousands of people across the world.
Rotary Year: The Rotary Year begins on the 1 st July each year.

RYLA: Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is a leadership programme coordinated by Rotary
Clubs around the globe. Together with Northallerton Mowbray Rotary we sponsor two young people
to attend the event run by the Club's District Committee. Participants are chosen with the aim to
improve their confidence and ability to relate to others in team situations thus see their leadership
potential improve.
Scatter Week: Once per year we do not have a Friday meeting, this date is designated on the
calendar as Scatter Week which may give the opportunity for any member to visit another club. (A
trophy for the member attending other Clubs – given at the President’s discretion).
Secretary: Our secretary is Les Crelling.
Speakers: The Club has designated speaker finders. (rotating between members, currently Chris
Speaker’s Host: One member is designated before each meeting to host our guest speaker. This task
is rotated within the membership.
Social Visits: These are organised locally from time to time by members of the Club
Subscriptions: Paid annually in July. (part goes to Rotary International and part to our District)
Technology Tournament: The Club helps arrange an annual technology tournament for schools to
encourage interest in science and engineering. (Northallerton to co-ordinate 2023/2024)
Trustees: Our Club charity is overseen by club members who are our trustees.
Treasurer: Lyn Proud. This task is undertaken by a member for a maximum of five years (re-elected
Visitors: Visiting Rotarians and prospective members are always welcome. If possible please contact
the secretary in advance.
Visitors’ Host: Two members are designated before each meeting to host any visitors to our
meetings. This task is rotated within the membership.
Websites: Northallerton Rotary Club can be found at www.northallertonrotary.org.uk.
Main website for Rotary Great Britain and Ireland is at www.rotarygbi.org.
Main website for Rotary International is at www.rotary.org/eng.
Webmaster: John Proud
Welfare: The Club has a designated Welfare Officer – Contact John Mattison